Do you have an assignment to impact the world?
Do you need a platform to help you achieve your goals?
Do you need a sister to go there with you?”
This is the question we address in our quest to empower women.
At Sister2Sister we come together as women, working together to advance personal assignments to impact the world.
God created all people with His purpose in the inside. His purposes go beyond self, family, region and nation. God’s purposes are for us to positively influence what is commonly known as “the seven mountains of society” sometimes referred to as pillars or spheres or shapers namely:
- Education
- Religion
- Family
- Business
- Government
- Arts/Entertainment
- Media
We believe that God’s desire is for us His creation to have dominion.
Genesis 1:26-27 says “…have dominion…”.
At Sister2 Sister we believe that every Sister has the capacity to achieve a measure of their assignment on their own. We refer to the scripture which says “…one of us can chase a thousand…” Because God created you with it, it is in you. Sometimes, women because of various reasons which include but not limited to upbringing, level of education, religious beliefs, geographic location, do not believe in themselves.
At Sister2Sister we affirm each other thereby giving each other the confidence needed to effectively impact their sphere or “occupy their mountain” God has an interest in woman taking their rightful positions in the world. The Bible talks about Deborah who was a Judge. She owned her own “Palm Tree of Deborah” where she used to sit under and hear cases brought by the Children of Israel and passed judgements. There is also the Proverbs 31 woman who was a business woman and owned real estate. The Bible, in Luke 8:3 also mentions women, Joanna the wife of Chuza, who was the manager of Herod’s household, Susanna and many others who provided financial support to Jesus and the disciples.
However, there is a greater level of Sisterhood we also call for. This is being there for each other. In addition to affirmation there is need for positive impact on each other. Coming together provides us with the necessary mass that is needed to effectively do business in our spheres. The multiplier effect of Sisters coming together “Whilst one can chase a 1 000, two can chase 10 000” This 10x multiplier effect cannot be understated. It ranges from sharing of information to coming together to form partnerships all the way to being each other’s customers. A significant number of women went out as lone rangers because there had none or nowhere to turn to, as a result they did not effectively have dominion in their sphere. But in Sister2Sister we understand that Ecclesiastes 4:9 says “2 is better that one because they have a good return for their labor” There is a Sister who is always there for me and I am always there for a Sister. My Sister has a divine assignment in her given sphere. I might personally not have an interest in that sector but as far I can I will assist my Sister, we call that Sister2Sister.
To us having Faith in God the creator of the universe is empowering. Appreciating that you have a divine assignment enables one to appreciate that they can operate on a world level. God owns the world, if God is your father then you operate from your Father’s platform. At Sister2Sister we say our vision is to impact the world. You do not have to be a conglomerate to impact the world, you just need to know someone in a different part of the world. To achieve this Sister2Sister has chapters in different parts of the world.
Connections are very important. The world is now a “global village” operations in one’s sphere should be able to have influence in another part of the world. In Sister2Sister we open doors for each other by having Sister connections in different parts of the world. With a local connection you will know the requirements of that country.
We encourage identifying and having a desire to provide needs no matter how small.