Hyde was a Sister in every sense
She had a pleasant and strong personality. Always carrying a smile and she would always make us laugh. She always brought me a small gift to every meeting.
Hyde was very committed and would always make things happen. She is the one who proposed brunch at our Sister2Sister meetings.
Hydie always found an opportunity to thank God and celebrate with her friends. The first time she went into a Health Care Center, two weeks later she organized her birthday party. In addition to her family and friends she invited a lot of the residents.
She invited Pastors/Leaders from four different Churches. She allocated each one time to share. At the end she challenged us to take time to come and minister to the residents. It was because of Hydie that I and some Church members started going to minister in Song and Word every other Sunday and continued even after she left that Health Center.
With the true Sister2Sister spirit Hydie related to different Pastors and people from different Churches. Her question was always "Do you love Jesus?"
Hydie went to be with the Lord Thursday, September 12. As Sisters we visited her when she was alert on September 7. She was telling us by name how much she loved us and even naming other people who were not there. It was a precious moment. Hydie told us she knew she was dying.
And then she would end up by saying "I love Jesus"
Sister2Sister will always remember Hydie with love.
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