

I recall vividly, Church Of Christ, Karoi was the place to be and the Host was Pastor Chizvondo.
Three members from the team from Harare travelled to the venue on the 15th of November 2019 and they possessed the territory through prayer in preparation for the great day.
They we also joined by the songstress from Mashonaland West, Pastor Guza from Chinhoyi.



Morning Devotion

The morning devotion was highly charged, and the Atmosphere was pregnant with expectation. Two “Brigadiers” Pastor Emelda Mubayi and Pastor M. Chikazhe took turns to lead this session. They shared the famous scripture from Deuteronomy 32 verse 30… Two of us can send a legion fleeing.

The praise and worship session was a hyper active session where the Host Pastor, Chizvondo and Pastor Guza share the stage as they thrilled the audience with well polished song and dance. Annah Mangoma was not to be outdone, she danced David style all throughout the session


Special Anointing

Our Dear Mother and a seasoned Cadre in the armies of the Living God, Prophetess Mwela, shared a message from the Lord on the special anointing that would take us beyond limitations, I felt chilly waves running down my spine as this message was shared. She led us through prophetic declarations and we felt fired up in our spirits.
Prophetess also shared from the book of Kings on the Duo Elijah and Elisha and how a double portion of anointing was passed on to Elisha. She gave a prophetic word that we should not let our Elijah go with the anointing that was bestowed on them. A double portion of that anointing should be passed on for the betterment of the Kingdom. This message was an eye opener to me and I said surely some of these things, we do not have because we do not ask.

Reference Scriptures for Prophetess’s Sermon:

Hebrew 1 verse 7
Jeremiah 23 verse 29
2 kings 2 verse 9


Vision Casting

Pastor Imelda using her great experience in teaching practice, Articulately took us through the vision , the 3 levels of Sister2sister and also the importance of being in the movement. My favorite moment was when she read the letter from Rev Dr. Susan Chigwada, our Lioness in the making. The lioness Roared from the United States of America and it echoed to us that Karoi will be a hub for Sister2sister activities in Zimbabwe and Mashonaland west. We were nourished by a word from Jeremiah 31 verse 22.


Our Father who art in heaven

May I approach the bench your honor”.

The International Director, Pastor Judie shared of how our Father in heaven is a father to us and we should relate to him as His children. She read from Matthew 6 verse 5 which says “when you pray, do not be like hypocrites. They love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners and pray so people will see them…
She passionately shared how God our father loves us and wants to provide for us in this life. She emphasized that when we, pray, we should not should not shout and jump around As if we want to impress our father by these antics but we should be ourselves and know that He loves and cares for us.
She gave us an example of a High court judge, when his children want to talk to them, they can approach as they will but when the lawyers and others wish to address the judge, they observe protocol and there is some special jargon that they use to address him “May I approach the bench your honor”. That same judge is addressed differently by his children. Surely this was an eye opener to me.

Special mention to Shamiso Mukamba one consistent sister who avails herself for duty for most meetings.

Quotable Quotes

From The International Director’s Desk